Erdogan'in Yahudi Davutoglu delegesi Barzani'yle direk temasa gecmek icin K.Irak'ta...
(too old to reply)
2008-05-02 21:30:29 UTC
Erdogan'in Yahudi Davutoglu delegesi Barzani'yle direk temasa gecmek icin K.Irak'ta...
Amerika buyurdu Erdogan'a: AKP kapatilmadan önce Barzani ile temasa gecip orada
ABD'nin kurdugu "Kürdistani" tanimasi icin...
Kürdistan'i(!) ABDile birlikte TC kurdu.

Her iddiasina varim sekerim :-)
Ve ABD'nin ve AKP'nin, TSK operasyonlarini yine engelleme/önleme/baltalama girisimleri bunlar...
First contact with Barzani
Friday, May 2, 2008
ANKARA - Turkish Daily News
A Turkish delegation comprised of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's
chief policy advisor and Turkey's special envoy for Iraq departed for Baghdad
yesterday for meetings with central Iraqi government officials as well as
Iraqi Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani.
Foreign Minister Ali Babacan told a joint press conference
with his counterpart from Bosnia and Herzegovina that the
Turkish officials Ahmet Davutoğlu and Murat Özçelik whose
trip was not officially announced beforehand due to security reasons,
will meet with the Iraqi president, prime minister, parliament speaker
and Iraqi groups including those in northern Iraq.
Babacan avoided openly saying that the delegation would
meet with Barzani, leader of the semi-autonomous Kurdish
administration in northern Iraq.
A spokesman for the Iraqi government, Ali al-Dabbagh,
told an Iraqi radio station yesterday that the Turkish officials
planned to meet with Nechirvan Barzani, the prime minister
of the semi-autonomous Kurdish administration in the north.
The talks in Baghdad will focus on Turkey's proposal to
establish a joint mechanism to be chaired by the prime ministers
of the two countries in the ccompany of a few ministers for
strategic dialogue, Babacan said.
He reiterated that dialogue with the administration in northern Iraq
depended on strong and concrete steps to combat the outlawed
Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).
"If they [Iraqi Kurdish leaders] manage to put distance between
them and the PKK and assume a strong position through concrete
steps this situation will undoubtedly influence the quality and density
of our dialogue with the local administration in the north," he added.
Babacan said Turkey wanted the PKK issue to be removed from
the agenda of relations with Iraq.
"There is no room for terrorist organizations in today's Turkey and
Iraq of the future. Everyone should understand this well."
In the meantime, President Abdullah Gül yesterday met with
Iraqi Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi in Ankara and the fight
against the PKK came up during the talks. Gül said he held
a comprehensive meeting with al-Hashimi where Turkish-Iraqi
relations were broadly discussed. He underlined that energy
was one of the most significant dimensions of bilateral relations.
Grand Sen~or
2008-05-04 19:14:22 UTC
Uleeen biz Gul'e bundan bir yil kadar once gidin Barzani'yle gorusun
dedigimizdfe bize "naaaasla nolamaz biz eskiyayla gorusmeyiz EU$'un
yamaklariyla gorusuruz!" demisti, simdi ne olduysa eskiya oldu K Irak

Eh bu anayasayla kiminle gorusurseniz gorusun bir sey degisecek degil
bol bol gorusun;->>
Newsweek'le de gorusun deyin ki "Biz de EU$ gibi tipik bir sekularo-
fascist ulkeyiz, OTAN'a bagliyiz, bizi kapatip da ne acacaksiniz?"
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